Covenant Churches Fellowship
What is the Covenant Churches Fellowship? It is a group of churches from various regions that have entered into covenant relationships with each other. At the heart of the covenant is love and fellowship with the end goal of strengthening one another. Each leader of the covenant churches is submitted one to the other, and has granted to the other the authority to speak into their lives the word and purpose of God, demonstrating the followership, leadership, and accountability principles.
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God's City of Refuge - Founded by the late Apostle Willie Murray and Pastor Vera Murray
God's City of Refuge - Our Vision:
"Then the Lord answered me and said, write the vision and make it plain on tables, that he may run who reads it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end, it will speak, and it will not lie." To teach all men to hear God's voice, Revelation 2:7, Psalm 46:10 To build strong relationships among believers, I John 1:7 To teach all men to put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18 To build strong relationships in the home, thus creating strong families. Psalm 127:1 To bring unity to the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4:13, Psalm 133:1 To teach the holiness of God and how to walk in it. Hebrews 12:14 To teach all men how to walk in victory in the midst of every situation. Ephesians 4:24-32, Philippians 2:15-17 To teach all to men put the kingdom of God and His righteousness first. Matthew 6:33 To open the eyes of all men and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Christ Jesus. Acts 26:18 |
God's City of Refuge - Our Mission Statement:
To fulfill the vision and present every person mature according to Colossians 1:28, "Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." To build up the saints, and to minister to the brokenhearted. To proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. |
Location: 953 Hibbs Rd., Newport, NC, 28570 - Phone: (252) 726-8424 - Email: [email protected]
Great Joy Worship Center - Apostle Ezekiel Murrell, Jr and Pastor Lena Murrell
Great Joy Worship Center - Our Vision
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and further the cause of the kingdom of God. To promote fellowship and means of cooperation between churches of like faith and doctrine. To promote freedom of worship and liberty of expression. To establish and maintain churches, Bible and training schools, inaugurate and maintain charitable institutions, such as homes for the aged, orphanages, homes for the indigent and those bound by substance abuse. To fulfill the Great Commission of the church by supporting missions, both foreign and domestic, and supporting those performing the work of carrying the gospel as missionaries. |
Visit: Great Joy Worship Center ....Website
Great Joy Worship Center - Our Mission Statement: Great Joy Worship is a Spirit-filled family church, a multifaceted, multi-racial, trans-denominational ministry, training and resource center in pursuit of God's predetermined purpose for ourselves, our region, our nation, and the world, net-working God-given relationships in ministry, churches, and families.
By precept and lifestyle, we desire to be a people who communicate biblical truths concerning apostolic church planting, prophetic insights into the church's destiny, proven and unique avenues of evangelistic outreach, models of pastoral feeding and care, and the necessity for teaching within the local church for equipping all the saints for the work of the ministry.
By precept and lifestyle, we desire to be a people who communicate biblical truths concerning apostolic church planting, prophetic insights into the church's destiny, proven and unique avenues of evangelistic outreach, models of pastoral feeding and care, and the necessity for teaching within the local church for equipping all the saints for the work of the ministry.
Location: 102 F Professional Park Dr - Beaufort, NC, 28516 - Phone: (252) 838-1704 -
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Present Truth Ministries - Apostle Daniel L. Williams and Dr. Earnestine Williams
Present Truth Ministries - Our Vision To see the Kingdom of God established in all the world. John and Jesus preached the Kingdom of God. The apostles preached the same message. There is no legitimate reason why we should try to change or improve upon that message. It is the TRUTH that God has reserved for every generation since the first coming of our Lord Jesus. Therefore, with boldness and clarity, we desire to give life and reality, body and freshness to people that have been confused and frustrated by religion. Also, to produce a mature people who will show forth the nature and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, Present Truth Ministries will herald expressively the Kingdom of God. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. |
Visit: Present Truth Ministries ...Website
Present Truth Ministries - Our Mission Statement: To be ONE of the many places of anointing which are called to be an expression of the Kingdom of God. The KING and HIS KINGDOM must be made manifest in our region. We have been called and commissioned to pioneer this Kingdom message throughout the east coast, to establish a foundation for the FEAST OF TABERNACLES and a global harvest, and to prepare the Body of Christ to become His Glorious Church in the earth!
While recognizing, adhering to, and partaking of the first two feasts (PASSOVER and PENTECOST), it is our position that “THREE” feasts complete the full salvation experience, not two feasts. As each feast is experienced, we will find similarities and differences in each. The Church of Jesus Christ must come to the FEAST of TABERNACLES just as it has PENTECOST. The chapter will never close on this age until such a CHURCH has arisen. It is our goal to take our place as such a CHURCH!
While recognizing, adhering to, and partaking of the first two feasts (PASSOVER and PENTECOST), it is our position that “THREE” feasts complete the full salvation experience, not two feasts. As each feast is experienced, we will find similarities and differences in each. The Church of Jesus Christ must come to the FEAST of TABERNACLES just as it has PENTECOST. The chapter will never close on this age until such a CHURCH has arisen. It is our goal to take our place as such a CHURCH!
Location: 1511 MLK, Jr. Blvd. – Kinston, NC, 28501 - Phone: (252) 523-7151 - Email: [email protected]
Deliverance Evangelistic Temple - Apostle Fred E. Richardson and
Pastor Macey Richardson
Deliverance Evangelistic Temple - Our Vision God will have a people in this area walking in the vision of the Kingdom, teaching kingdom laws. There shall be one man, a mighty man, and you shall see God move as he have never moved before. God’s authority has been given to us in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 |
Deliverance Evangelistic Temple - Our Mission
We shall seek God in prayer without ceasing until the vision appear II chronicles 7:14, Luke 18:1, II Thessalonians 1:11 and I Timothy 2: 8 Our mission is to serve God under the guidance of the Holy spirit, promoting and utilizing the diverse talents, gifts, and resources of our parish to proclaim the Kingdom of God.
Equipping God's people for service:
To seek the spiritual growth and maturity of every believer through disciplining, teaching, preaching and exhorting from the word of God, as well as creating unique opportunities for service to the Kingdom of God
It is the mission of this church to actively intercede through corporate and private prayer on behalf of the total life and effectiveness. Acts 1:14, 24 and progress in its growth through prayer Acts 2:42, 4:24, 31; 6:4. Prayer should be the supreme method through which all of the ministries of the church operate.
We shall seek God in prayer without ceasing until the vision appear II chronicles 7:14, Luke 18:1, II Thessalonians 1:11 and I Timothy 2: 8 Our mission is to serve God under the guidance of the Holy spirit, promoting and utilizing the diverse talents, gifts, and resources of our parish to proclaim the Kingdom of God.
Equipping God's people for service:
To seek the spiritual growth and maturity of every believer through disciplining, teaching, preaching and exhorting from the word of God, as well as creating unique opportunities for service to the Kingdom of God
It is the mission of this church to actively intercede through corporate and private prayer on behalf of the total life and effectiveness. Acts 1:14, 24 and progress in its growth through prayer Acts 2:42, 4:24, 31; 6:4. Prayer should be the supreme method through which all of the ministries of the church operate.
Location: 120 Country Club Road - Jacksonville, NC 28540 - Phone: (910) 455 – 1707
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
New Dixon Family Worship Center - Apostle Dr. Julius and Christena Petteway
Location: 117 Haws Run Road, Jacksonville, NC 28540 - Phone: 910-346-6206