Jesus was not limited to the confines of this world, even so we, when the situation calls for it, can rise above the confines, or laws that govern this world. Remember Jesus when He commanded the disciples to go to the other side? He went down into the bottom of the ship to sleep. You must conclude that this was not the action of the only true God, but a man. Beloved, the Bible is clear that God neither slumbers nor sleeps. However, when the disciples feared for their lives, they came to him saying, master, caress thou not that we perish?
The same man rose up from SLEEP, stood on the bow of the ship and said, peace be still. Guess what, that was not mere man that was God! He is all God and all man. We are after His kind! He rebuke them because in His words to go to the other side, was the ability to get there. They did not recognize the power that resided in them. You too my dear brother and sister are so clothed with the Father. How long will you accommodate losing? You are of His seed!
In Christ, Dr. Lewis Fisher, Jr.
In Christ, Dr. Lewis Fisher, Jr.